





Binu Kannanthanam from Kerala is about to set a World Record.

Binu Kannanthanam, a personality development trainer from Manimala, Kerala is about to set a world record for the longest speech marathon. He started his speech on 5th August 2017 at 09:00:00 am at Chaithanya Pastoral Centre, Tellakam, Kottayam. He is speaking day and night to make a world record by speaking continuously for 77 hours straight on the topic 'Succeed in life'. He is only taking liquid food and fruits.

He has completed 62 hours as of now (22:45:11). He is expected to complete 77 hours by 8th September 2017 at 12:00:00 pm.  TranspireOnline team is camping at the venue and will be reporting live. Stay tuned.  

More Updates;
Binu Kannanthanam being given medical care during the attempt.
11 hours non-stop section. From 14:10:00 to 0:46:12
                                                                   67 hours completed.

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